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Fresh TF's here!Get your fresh TF's!

G1 Starscream
This is the first of some kits that I am having reproduced by Ken over at the ever popular KCC Collectables.He has already been shipped out to be recast and should be in by this holliday season!
Expect him to be sold around the time the American reissue comes out!
Articulation points added:Shoulder,elbow,head,waist,fists,and knees.

(Fists not yet included.I hope to remedy this in the near future!)
G1 Grimlock
This is the next one i want to reproduce.(We'll see how ell the starscreams sell first!)

He'll be considerabley less to reproduce then ol' Screamer since there are less parts that need to be casted.Hopefully less then 50 to buy.We'll see as time progresses.

Added articulation points:Neck/head,shoulders,elbows,and fists.
I hope to add bisep swivels later as well as a turnning neck joint for dino head.Possible light feature added to dino head so eyes light up...
(Again,need gundam hands.Maybe i should add solid ones to this kit for reproduction too.)

Omega Supreame
After i do a little retooling with the face and plate i hope to reproduce and sell them.

Starscream/seeker back mount.
This went into reproduction with Ol' Screamer.

I might take pre-orders for this part alone.

Exspect to shell out 15.00 a peice though.

Armada Skywarp
This one is going for 50.00 or Best offer.

First come.First serve...

...once he's gone,he's gone!
Armada Skywarp Jet Mode
What you see is what you get.A Brand NEW paint job that resembles the classic G1 Skywarp,Articulated head and the ever popular simple custom I started of the launchers being replaced on the arms.
Get it B-4 it's gone!

My Vision of Galvatron
R.I.D. Sunstreaker
This one comes with a Authentic G1 Sunstreaker head!
50.00 or Best offer!

R.I.D Sunstreaker Car mode
Also with authentic G1 Sunstreaker Engine.

Custom painted G1 Hotrod
Sporting a new paint job (No more Stickers!) as well as a new pair of hands.Snag yours for about 45.00 while you can!Again,first come,first serve!